


Welcome to Nursery Class 2023-2024!

We are very happy to welcome you all to Nursery and we are very excited for all the fun and learning we're going to do this year!


Ms Loosley

Mrs. Moral

Ms Mengoud 

Ms Geele

Ms Butt

Mrs. Knights

Miss Rice 


Term 6: Week 5

This week we have been learning about ladybirds.

The topic book is " The Bad-Tempered Ladybird" by Eric Carle.

We have made lovely ladybird crowns with black and red paint, and we stuck some pipe cleaners as the antennas.

We have been working with dots and making patterns on large pieces of paper, using black and red paint and paper.

On Tuesday and Thursday, we had our very own Sports Day event, children were balancing hoops on their heads, egg race (using baby potatoes on a spoon) Throwing bean bags inside the hoops and Who can throw the wellie the furthest.

As you probably have heard we had some caterpillars in the classroom and children have been very interested in the metamorphosis process. The caterpillars went into a cacoon last week and today we had a butterfly emerging from her cacoon. Children have been very interested and visit the butterfly space quite often. Today we have put some nectar and orange inside their space and we are waiting for the butterfly to start flying and eating. In the playground, some of the kids were pretending to be caterpillars and putting themselves a net like the cacoon and then taking the net off and flying around showing a good understanding of the whole process. 

We have had a lovely week

Have a nice weekend

The Nursery Team.


Term 6: Week 4

This week we have been learning about snails. 

Our story of the week is "Norman The Slug With The Silly Shell" by Sue Hendra.

We used long stripes of paper and roll it into an spiral, we then used green paper in a leaf shape and some googly eyes to make a snail on a leaf. 

We practised drawing semicircles of different colours and kids ended up with a rainbow spiral on a large piece of paper, they were excellent at controlling the pen on their hands and producing a rainbow shell.

We have made beautiful snails out of clay, we rolled the clay into a long sausage and then spun it into a spiral, then they added the antennae and the sparkly sequins on the shell.

Another snail was done by drawing some spirals with white waxy crayons and covered over in brus-ho paint, then they let them dry and we decorated an area in the classroom with the lovely colourful snails.

We made snail sandwiches using a slice of bread, spreading butter and jam and rolling it up into a spiral. We cut some of the bread's sides and used them as the antennae, and then we eat them!

We have enjoyed bubble play outside, lots of snail spotting around the playground and as we had a very hot day on Wednesday we had water play outside too.

We have had a lovely week.

Enjoy the Weekend

The Nursery Team 


Term 6: Week 3

This week we have been learning about Spiders.

The topic book was:  Aaaarrgghh, spider!

This week we have been exploring the outside garden and finding lots of webs and spiders.

On Monday we have Andy Day from CBeebies, he visited the school and shared his new book with the kids.

 We have been making lovely black paper spiders and glittery spider webs with pva glue on shiny papers and sprinkling with glitter.

We have been practising our pinching skills using tweezers and rescuing minibeasts from the tuff tray's spider web.

Children have been practising their counting skills, we have count to 8 and added the legs to the spider.

We have also had a bubble party and a chocolate treat this week! 

A really good week had by all.

Have a lovely weekend

The Nursery Team


Term 6: Week 2

This week we have learnt about garden bugs.

Children have gone for a minibeast hunt around the school, they found ants, bees,woodlice, ladybirds,centipedes and spiders.

They have been really busy making lovely crafts. They used black paint to outline a spider and some glittery paint to fill up the spider's body.

They also used yellow and black paint to make some stripes on an oval piece of paper, then they added a circle as the head, some straws for antennas and some tissue paper as the wings.

We used red and black paint to design some ladybirds. We painted a large circle with black paint and used the red to mark some spots on the wings.

We filled up a tuff tray with rice and beans, we placed some minibeast on there and mixed it up. The kids used the tweezers to rescue the bugs. They loved this activity, kids are getting really good at manipulating the tweezers.

We have enjoyed bubbles and riding the bikes outside too.

It has been a lovely and busy week.

Have a nice weekend.

The Nursery Team.


Term 6: Week 1

This week children have been learning about caterpillars and butterflies.

We used plane paper and green paint, we made printed marks with circular toilet rolls, we draw the caterpillar eyes and mouth with a pencil on a long piece of paper.

We also used brusho to decorate a large paper butterfly, we then waited for it to dry and then we stuck some paper shapes on the butterfly. Triangle, circle,rectangle and square.

We also did some printing shapes on large paper.

Then we used shapes to make flowers, we stuck shapes on a large piece of paper giving the shape of a flower.

We painted symmetrical butterflies dipping cork on paint and decorating one side of the butterfly, then we closed the butterfly and pressed it so we could have the same pattern on both sides.

we painted some large flowers with brusho colours too.

We enjoyed some time outside and played with bubbles.

We had a lovely week at Nursery.

See you next week

The Nursery Team 



Term 5: week 6

This week we have enjouyed the story " The Gruffalo" by Julia Donaldson

We used paper and shapes to make Gruffalo faces. (square,triangle,circle and oval).

We painted a Gruffalo on a large piece of paper and used a different colour for every body part.

We made a Gruffalo crown using shapes for teeth, nose, eyes, and ears. Kids enjoyed wearing them.

We explores clay, making Gruffalos using straws as the spikes and goggly eyes.

We made a mouse out of and empty toilet roll and used shapes to stick to complete it.

We have had lots of new toys delivered so kids have really enjoyed the new dolls house furniture and the updated role-play area.

Lots of coffees and cakes made and delivered to the grown ups! 

We have been involved in lots of arts and crafts too.

Kids enjoyed the Eid Party on Thursday afternoon.

We made Gruffalo Card mask that kids decorated independently.

Have a lovely Half Term.

The Nursery Team

Term 5: Week 5

This week we have had a fun story. "Pass the Jam, Jim" by Kaye Umasnsky.

Children have been enjoying some naan bread they made using flour, cooking oil, baking powder, water and yeast and mixing it up and cooking it over the round pancake maker. 

They made their strawberry jam, They used strawberries, sugar and lemon, put it in the microwave and then spread it on the naan bread. What a food treat!

We did some red hand printing on a large piece of paper.

We also learnt about shapes, we know circles, triangles, squares and rectangles.

Kids have enjoyed identifying shapes popping out of a fabric bag and seeing a small part of it, they are good at remembering that a triangle has 3 corners, a circle does not have any corners, is a straight line, and a square has 4 sides which are all the same.

We have to make a collage of a person using shapes (circle for a head, square for a body, rectangle for arms and legs.)

We have designed bookmarks and bracelets sticking small shapes on them and printing shapes on large white paper using shape stamps and adding googly eyes.

Also spending time outside, riding bikes, colouring, climbing, rocking on the swings and playing on the floor is lava on the walking stones.

An enjoyable and busy week had by all.

Have a nice weekend

The Nursery Team.




Term 5: Week 4

This week's story is "The Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle.

We have been really busy making cocoons, caterpillars and butterflies.

We did sponge dipping and printing with circular shapes, once dried they added the legs and the antennas.

We did symmetrical butterflies, we had precut butterflies shapes, we coloured and stamped on it using paint and cork and then we folded to make it into a symmetrical butterfly.

We also did some caterpillars using egg boxes and red and green paint and pipe cleaners as antennas. 

We created another one using green and red paper, folding one as an acordeon and adding a red circle and two rectangles to the front. 

We have enjoyed the outside and the lovely sunny weather, kids are taking outside some of the activities that we normally do inside.

On Thursday we went to the local Library, kids were amazing at listening to the instructions, and we enjoyed looking at some stories and Kate read a story for us too. 

Have a lovely weekend.

The Nursery Team.


TERM 5: Week 3

This week we have enjoyed the story "We are going on a Bear Hunt"

Above the youtube video to the story.

We were on our own bear hunt, going through the grass, over the blocks, through the water, into the sand pit, up the stairs and we found the bear into the cave.

We created a photo book with our version of the story and the kids were really engaged!

We make some grass using green paint and sponge paintbrushes, they made vertical patterns recreating the grass. 

We painted a paper cave and the bears inside with googly eyes. 

We mixed water with blue paint and used large sponges to make marks on large pieces of paper as if we were painting water.

We created a large story map and they all took part and shared their favourite part of the story.

We also made stick puppets of the Bear story. 

A very busy and exciting week.

Have a lovely Bank Holiday Weekend.

The Nursery Team.


Term 5: Week 2

This week we have enjoyed the story "Oi Frog" by Kes Gray & Jim Field.,vid:2da5yu6rpdg,st:0

Above the link to the story on you tube.

Children have been exploring the rhyming and making cats on mats, Frogs on logs, Parrots on carrots, Snakes on cakes and Pigs on twigs. 

Using paint, paper plates, paper, fabric, different shapes and glitter they all have had a go at making their own creations.

We did a counting activity with the song 5 little speckled frogs. Kids created their own props for the story, sticking frogs on a cardboard and the numbers 1 to 5. Well done Nursery.

We have enjoyed playing outside too, climbing, running, playing with water and riding bikes.

A lovely week of learning and exploring.

Have a good weekend.

The Nursery Team



Term 5: Week 1

This week we have been exploring our new playground!

Children have really enjoyed climbing and riding the bikes around the track.

In the class we have been exploring rhyming books.

" Shark in the Park!" by Nick Sharratt 

Children have used a paper plate, cutting triangular pieces out of it and adding them to one side of the plate as the tail, then a few more triangles as the teeth, then we added some gray paint and googly eyes.

We have also been using a shark stamp and paint, and kids have been cutting out sharks out of wrapping paper and using the glue stick to stick them.

We have had a lovely first week back.

Have a nice weekend

The Nursery Team 


Term 3: Week 6

This week we have been cooking

the story was "Don't put your Finger in the Jelly, Nelly" 

We made Jelly with some fruit.

We also baked some pancakes, kids were good at mixing the ingredients and cooking them with Mrs Mangeoud.

we cooked spaghetti and had a lovely sensory play, adding colours and dishing it out into little plates.

We also did a milk shake using bananas and blended them with the hand blender, then we added milk and we all tried a little bit. The kids were good at giving it a go.

As you can read, a full week of new flavours.

The kids have had a lovely week.

Have a nice half-term.

The Nursery Team 


Term 3: Week 5

This week we have enjoyed the story ' I am Hungry' by Michael Rosen.

Children have been talking about their favourite food and every child has done a lovely handmade pizza with Mrs Mangeout.

Mixing the yeast, water, oil and flour to make the dough, they made their own tomato sauce using tomato, vegetable cubes, and oil.

They grated the cheese and decorated their pizza. Mrs Mangeout cooked it on the classroom with a special electric pan.

They also did some crafts, cutting different shapes of different colour paper, describing those cuttings as their favourite food (chips,peas,nuggets,broccoli...) and sticking them on a paper plate.

On Friday we enjoyed some time in the secret garden too, digging, singing and playing games.

We have had a lovely week.

Enjoy the weekend.

The Nursery Team.

Term 3: Week 4

This week we have enjoyed the story 

Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?

Here is the link to the story.

We have done lots of crafty activities and mini books reteling the story.

We painted a Polar Bear with white and black paint, Kids were amazing at giving it a go and we have lovely bears.

We set some white foam on the black tuff tray and some Bears for them to move around and explore the foam with different media.

We also have painted a flamingo using the hand as the base for the body, then with salmon and black paint they painted around to finished the flamingo.

We  draw stripes with black paint on a printed zebra.

We had some sensory play with rice and beans and some cups and pots.

On Friday we did our first forest school activity, we had some time to do digging, sing some songs, spotted planes and birds and we had some snack together, we had a lovely time.

In the afternoon we learned about Walrus and we made a walrus face using circles, wool, lolly sticks and black fabric.

Another busy and lovely week had by all in Nursery class.

Have a lovely Weekend

The Nursery Team

Term 3: week 3

This week we had been making some more animals.

We did some dogs using paper plates and some pieces of paper to add to the place.

We have been painting  with bubbles. Kids blow down the straw on a colourful water and once the bubbles were overflowing the bowl, they place the paper on top of the bubbles, they loved this activity and they have been enjoying bubble blowing in the water tray too.

We did monkeys doing hand printing, kids painted their hand and did a print on a piece of paper, we cut out a circle and place it as the head, then they draw the tail with a brown felt pen.

We have also learned about camels, we used large piece of paper, we cut out the bumps and stack them to the large paper, then they draw with paintbrushes the head, legs and tails.

We have had a very busy week

Have a nice weekend

The Nursery Team 

Term 3: Week 2

Welcome back Nursery!

This week we have enjoyed the story 'Dear Zoo' below a link to an interactive story on you tube.

Children did their own lions using paper plates,wool and some orange paint. 

We had some sensorial play with dry pasta and animals on it, so kids could move the animals around it and build some hutches.

We painted Elephants on a large piece of paper, drawing large ears and a long trunk, kids were really good at giving it a go! (have a look at the photos)

We painted a paper snake using paint and corks, children made a pattern on the snake stamping the cork on the paint and them on the paper.

We have enjoyed some time outside (wearing lots of layers!).

We have also been playing musical instruments too. Kids are becoming very good at playing and stopping when the music stops.

We have had a lovely week of learning at nursery.

Have a lovely weekend

The Nursery Team


Term 2: Week 7

This week children have been busy getting lots of Christmas decorations done. 

On Monday children went to see a school Panto, They all had a great time.

We have had Christmas parties in the Classroom and on Thursday morning some children went to Church and celebrated together.

We have been making Christmas paper chains, and little green Christmas trees with small pieces of green issue paper.

We have decorated large Christmas baubles and have a go at decorating the Nursery Christmas tree.

Thank you for a lovely Term 2 Nursery Children, it has been a Great one!

Have an amazing Christmas and Happy Holidays.

Thank you very much for your lovely cards, words and presents.

See you back on the 4th of January.

The Nursery Team.




Term2: Week 6

This week we have been learning about Christmas.

The Story is: Spot's First Christmas.

We did the Christmas play for the school children and then again on Wednesday morning and Thursday afternoon for the parents.

Kids were really goon on stage and did their best singing and dancing of "Feliz Navidad".

In the classroom we have been making Snowman cards using white circles on blue card and then using red fabric with put a scarf or the snowman, a orange string for a nose and a felt precut piece as a hat.

We display some empty boxes on the table and kids were using wrapping paper to do some gift wrapping.

We did some snowflakes painting using white paint and glitter and pressing the stamps on to the paint then on the paper.

we have been Father Christmas with toilet rolls,red creppe paper and white cotton, kids have to work patienty getting all the steps to complety and they have been very patient to get their final product. Well done Nursery!

Have a lovely weekend

The Nursery Team 

Term 2: Week 5

This week children have been learning aboout the story " The Very Lonely Firefly".

We have been painting little white glittery marks on a black paper with a jar shape.

We have explored under the classroom tower, using torchers and covering it with black materials so we have recreated the night time.

Children created their own firefly using precut pieces of the body, wings, head and light. They assembled it and sticked it on the black paper.

 Kids really enjoyed using little torches and observing the stars being projected on the sky by the light projector.

We also cover the table with large pieces of black paper and we let the kids explore using pieces of cotton and paint the black paper doing large marks.

They have really enjoyed this topic and learning about the dark.

We have also been getting ready some of the outfits for the Christmas performance.

Have a lovely weekend

The Nursery Team




Term 2: Week 4

This week we have been learning the story " Owl Babies"

We have been making different sizes Owls, we learned that they are nocturnal animals, they make a Twit sound, they have claws and they can turn their head 270 degrees.Owls can see far away but not so much if something is very closed.

Using white paint on black paper, adding a paper beak and some googly eyes. They choose a big mummy Owl or a small baby Owl.

We painted 3 different sizes owls with white paint and we talked about big, medium and small, Kids were really good at giving it a go and painting their 3 different size Owls.

We also use some colorful feathers on a small piece of paper and we let them make a colorful Owl.

On Friday we collected leaves from the playground and we make toilet roll Owls with brown and white feathers , googly eyes and the leaf as the Owl Wings, It was a longer process craft and they all work 1 to 1 with the teacher to complete the whole process.

We have the story on you tube and we played some Owl noises and learned about some Owls that could be found in England, Barn Owl and Tawny Owl.

We had an excellent week of learning.

Have a good weekend.

The Nursery Team 



Term 2: Week 3

This week we have learned about Diwali.

We listened to the Story " Rama and The Demon King" and we Learned about Sita and Rama. 

We did paper plate faces using paint to recreate the story on the wall.

Children made a diva light out of clay, they used their fingers and some tools to model the clay and then they added a candle to it.

We learned the song "This Little Light of Mine, I am gonna let it shine", children joined in and sang along.

We did a Rangoli pattern out of coloured rice and used glue to stick it on a black paper.

We learn about Mendhi hand and kids use pencils to draw around their hands on a pice of paper, we also cut out large hands and they use pens to make patterns around the hand, as if we were using Henna.

We used a paper plate folded in half and painted it with colorful paints, they added a small piece of paper to the top and we made a paper Diva light.

On Friday for Children in Need we decorated large Pudsey bears stamping circles on paint on the Bear's sports using bottle corks.

Nursery children are really enjoying painting at the moment so we use any opportunity we have to have painting activities out.

Have a lovely weekend

The Nursery Team 




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Happy to answer any questions

If you require paper copies of any information from the website please contact the school office. 


  • Windmill Close Windmill Hill Bristol BS3 4DP

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