Reception - Ash & Elm



Welcome to Reception 2023-24

Welcome to Reception Ash and Elm class page.

PE will be on Thursday

Children will need to come into school wearing their PE kit. This includes:

  • Plain white t-shirt (no collar)
  • Black shorts or joggers
  • Plain black trainers or daps
  • School jumper if needed

Early Years Curriculum Overview

Term 1 Week 3

It's been a great week for our Reception children!

They stayed for lunch for the first time on Monday and they had their first full day on Thursday. It's been lovely having all the children together, seeing them get comfortable in the space and interact with each other. They have adapted really well to all the routines and we can't wait to see how far they get with all their learning.

This week we have been reading The Tiger Who Came To Tea, and the children really enjoyed it. They have made tiger masks, tiger puppets, tiger colouring, and all things tigers. We ended the week by having a tea party all together, and it was a success!


Have a lovely weekend,


The Reception Team

Week 4


Wow, our first full week in school and we have done amazingly well!

We have been learning about our feelings and the Colour Monster has helped us to use colours when we are not sure of the words.  We've also learned how to fill our buckets by helping and sharing with our friends.

In Maths, we have been thinking about different ways to sort objects - we can sort them by size, colour, shape or object.  We've also use ourselves to see who else we can match up to.

Term 1 Week 5

Another great week for our Reception children!

We have continued learning about our emotions and we have read lots of lovely stories - Fergal is Fuming; Ruby's Worry; In My Heart, to support this. We've thought about how our bodies feel to help us recognise what emotion we might be feeling. We've also learnt lots of lovely ways to get rid of a worry, like saying them out loud and sending the worry up in to the cloud, or squishing, squeezing or twisting our worries out through the playdoh or even blowing them away like bubbles, but most importantly we learn that saying our worries out loud is always the best way. To end our couple of weeks on feelings and emotions we enjoy a lovely Yoga session.

The highlight this week was starting Forest School. The children loved being in the forest, playing and exploring, and they all did amazingly well. Just as a reminder, parent/carer helpers are needed and they can sign up for the different sessions in the classroom. 

Term 1 Week 7

We can't believe it's the end of term already! Well done to all the Reception children for settling in so well and having such an amazing start to their path in school.

This week we have have continued talking about who we are, our families, homes and our hopes and dreams for the future. In maths we have been learning about numbers 1, 2 and 3. We have also enjoyed a lovely forest school session making animal homes.

Have a lovely half term everyone,

The Reception Team

Term 2

It's been lovely having everyone back in school after half term!

This week we have been learning all about autumn. We have been looking at all the changes that happen this season and we loved going for an autumn walk in Victoria park. The children looked at all the different leaves they could find and were fascinated by the different colours. Ash class was caught in a hail storm while playing in the playground and it was defintely an exciting experience for everyone!

This week we have also given out bookbags with reading books. It would be lovely if the children could ead at home with their grown ups. They are very excited about this and have promised to look after both books and bookbags.


We hope everyone enjoys their weekend,

The Reception Team

It's been lovely having everyone back in school after half term!

This week we have been learning all about autumn. We have been looking at all the changes that happen this season and we loved going for an autumn walk in Victoria park. The children looked at all the different leaves they could find and were fascinated by the different colours. Ash class was caught in a hail storm while playing in the playground and it was defintely an exciting experience for everyone!

This week we have also given out bookbags with reading books. It would be lovely if the children could ead at home with their grown ups. They are very excited about this and have promised to look after both books and bookbags.


We hope everyone enjoys their weekend,

The Reception Team

Term 2 Week 2

This week we have continued our learning of Autumn by focusing on pumpkins. We read the story Pumpkin Soup and it inspired us to make soup in the classroom! The children did all the chpping and peeling of all the vegetables, they stirred them in the pot and they watched in awe as they noticed how it changed after boiling for a while. After blending it, the all enjoyed a cup (or two) of pumpkin soup and most children found it delicious!

In phonics we have learnt the sounds g, o, c, k and the common exception word "The". 

In maths we have been learing about numbers 1-5.

Thanks to everyone who could make it to parents evening, it was lovely seeing all of you.


The Reception team

Term 2 Week 5

This week we have been learning all about hedgehogs and hibernation. The children loved making clay hedgehogs and making them cosy hibernation spots using recycled materials. 

We have also been practising our Christmas performance over and over so that everything is ready for next week's show. We spent some time making our own costumes and making sure everything looks good.

In phonics, the children have learnt the last sounds in phase 2: l, ll, ss and common exception word "go".


Term 2 Week 6

This week we have talked a little bit about winter with the story "One Snowy Night" and we have started preparing for Christmas.

We had a great time preparing for our Christmas show, the children were super excited and they loved seeing all their grown ups in school. The children did a fantastic job of learning and performing the songs, so we wanted to thank everyone for taking the time to come and see the performance, we hope everyone enjoyed it!


Term 3

We are happy to welcome everyone back into Reception following a well needed Christmas break!

Reception has started off the new year on a high-note, and they are loving the new developments to their classroom setting. Lots of wonderful resources ready to be used and lots of free spaces to play and learn.

We spent the first two days of the term getting to know our new class teachers and each other a bit better. The children drew pictures of themselves and wrote about what they enjoy doing.

In phonics we started Phase 3, we learned the sounds j, v and the common exception word ‘Me’.

In maths, the children learned and practiced to recognise a number by grouping in into small sets up to 5.

Forest school will now be on Friday afternoons at 1:30pm for both Ash and Elm. Please ensure you send your child in wearing warm clothing and provide wellies, waterproof clothing and a hat. Any parent/carer helpers who can support the session, please get in touch with the office or let a reception teacher know.

Have a great weekend, and a Happy New Year!


The Reception Team

Week 2

We’ve had a fantastic first full week to Term 3!

In our English lessons this week, we’ve been reading one of our new texts for the term, ‘The Koala who could’. The children enjoyed hearing about Kevin the Koala’s story about adapting to new changes; they reflected on some of the changes they’ve experienced this year and how they could do/say to persuade Kevin to overcome his fears too.

In Maths, the children have been learning about length, weight and capacity. We learned rhymes and read stories such as ‘There’s a Hole in my Bucket’ and ‘Who Sank the Boat’ to explore this topic. The children used balance scale to determine how heavy/light different objects were, they also had a go at making their own balance scales using junk modelling.

In Phonics we learned more new sounds w, x, y, and z.

This week's highlight was spending time in the school library and listening to Mrs Hawkesworth, our librarian, read us a lovely story.


Hope you enjoy your weekend!


The Reception Team

Week 3


Another great week in Reception!

As we read our new story "What Makes Me A Me?" this week, the children spent some time thinking about and discussing what makes them special and unique. They thought about what they like and discovered things that made them same and different between each other. They drew pictures and wrote about what made them special.The children used watercolour paint, loose parts, and mirrors to create images of themselves.

In our Maths lessons, we learned to find and represent numbers 6, 7, and 8 using a 10s frame, and listened to stories and sang songs to help us.  In RE we re-enacted the story of David and Goliath and thought about the times we’ve been brave and had to have faith to do things that felt impossible at first.

We had a great forest school session dinosaurs  hunting and making homes for them out of sticks, leaves and other things we could find. We also had a fun time in our PE lesson this week, practicing balancing beanbags on different parts of our body. The children really enjoyed playing some fun games that got them to show off their balancing and team work skills.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

The Reception Team

Week 4

This week in Reception, the children spent some time reflecting on their past selves. They looked at how much has changed since they were babies and the kinds of things they can do now that they are a little older. We've had some lovely parents come in with their babies to tell us about how they are and what they can do as babies. We've also had a lot of fun role playing in our new 'Baby Clinic', which has a variety of activities and toys. 

In math, the children practiced measuring lengths with non-standard measurements, such as cubes, strings, duples, and so on. They practiced using the language of longer and shorter to describe objects around them which was really nice to see and hear. 

Also this week, Ash and Elm went to Forest School together, which was exciting and fun. We read 'Winter Sleep' and built shelters for animals that needed to hibernate and stay warm during the chilly winter months. 

We hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.

The Reception Team 


Term 4 Week 1

It's been a great first week back of Term 4 in Reception. We have had so much fun exploring the story of the Three Little Pigs and the different characters. We drew story maps, built houses for the little pigs using junk modelling, made WANTED posters, and even wrote a letter to the big bad wolf. In Maths this week we've been finding, comparing and representing up to 9 and 10. The children sang the song "Ten Current Buns" and read stories like "Nine Naughty Kittens" to help them count and spot the patterns.

In PE this week it was all about speed. There was lots of excitement and giggles as the children played a fun game of Domes and Dishes, among other fun games. They made pancakes to commemorate Pancake Day and the beginning of Lent. The children really loved topping their pancakes with some strawberries, bananas, and syrup. Yum!

This week's Forest School was extra muddy,  and the children had a fantastic time jumping up and down in muddy puddles! We all enjoyed a nice warm cup of hot chocolate, which most of the children enjoyed! 


We hope everyone enjoys their weekend!


The Reception Team 

Term 4 Week 2

We had another fun-filled week in Recepetion. This week we have moved on to a new traditional story in Literacy called The Magic Porridge Pot, we've read different versions of the story and made a story map to help us sequence key events from the story. We even had our own porridge bubbling awayon the hob cooker! Once it cooled down a little, we all had a chance to eat it. Most of thought it was delicious!

In Maths, the children are enjoying finding different ways to build number bonds to 9 and 10 using Numicon, pegs and linking cubes! 

Also this week, we have been practising the last couple sounds from Phase 3,  ‘ure' and ‘er’  sounds as well as revising previous sounds. 

Despite the hail and rain, we had a lovely time up in the garden drinking some hot chocolates and reading all about what Stanley can do with his stick friend in the story Stanley's Stick. We felt inspired and made our own stick friends and gave them a background story and a talent. Some of us decided we also wanted to make a fishing rod using a stick and adding some tape to the end of the string as a pretend fish just like in Stanley's story. 

In RE we acted out the Palm Sunday story from the Bible and did some wonderful singing! 

Next week is an excited week for everyone as Ash class will be moving into their new and improved classroom. The classroom is coming together rather nicely and we are all excited for the children and parents to see the new space. Hope you all will love it just as much as the Reception team does!

The Recpetion Team 



Term 5 - Week 2

Wow what a week!

It’s been busy in Reception this week. Reception put on their walking shoes on and explored their local area further. The children had a great time spotting specific features we passed such as the local shops and the river.  They then used this to draw maps of their journeys to school and labelled the different things they saw on their way to school.

In maths, the children practiced counting numbers from 0-50 and using objects to make and represent numbers from 10-20.

We’ve been revisiting our Phase 3 sounds - ur, ow, ear, and oi. The children did incredibly well at recalling the sounds and their actions, as well as applying them into their writing. Any extra practise you can do at home of the sounds and tricky words will be hugely beneficial.

It was great to be back in the forest for our first Forest School of Term 5. In celebration of Earth Day, we discussed the importance of taking care of our planet and environment. The children made birthday cakes using natural materials and sticks as candles and sang a happy birthday song for Earth.

We are looking forward to our Boat Trip next week where we will continue to explore and learn more about city.


Have a lovely weekend.


The Reception Team

Contact Us

Happy to answer any questions

If you require paper copies of any information from the website please contact the school office. 


  • Windmill Close Windmill Hill Bristol BS3 4DP

Telephone Number