Year 3 - Larch & Juniper



Year 3 Relationships and Sex Education PSHE Schemes of Learning

Welcome to Year 3 - Key information for Term 1

Welcome back...we hope you all had a lovely summer! Here are a few key bits of information for this term:

  • Remember to send your child in with a water bottle as it has been really hot in school!
  • PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. Please send your child into school in their PE kit on these days.
  • Our History topic this term is all about the River Avon and how it has been used differently over time.
  • During black History Month we will be exploring the impact of jamaican music in Bristol.
  • We will be returning reading records in week 2 and giving the children new books to read. Please read regularly at home and record this in your child's reading records.
  • Spelling: This term we will be recapping the Year 2 common exception words before moving onto the Year 3 list. Both of these lists have been attached below.
  • Children have log-in details for the Oxford Reading Buddy scheme and Timestable Rock Stars.  Please ask a member of the Year 3 team if you have lost these.

We are really looking to teaching your children this year...we are always happy to chat if you'd like us to discuss or explain anything.

Miss Mullholland, Mr Hewett, Mrs Davies and Mr Dwyer

Year 2 Spellings


Week ending 8.9.23

We have had a great first week settling into Year 3. We have began to learn new topics  in science, history and R.E. In English we have been immersing ourselves in our new text Goin' Someplace Special. we have been looking at clues to predict what teh story is about and immersing ourselve sin 1950's culture such as music and dance. Here are some comments from the class:

" I have enjoyed learning spanish greetings such as gooodbye - Lenny


I have enjoyed learning maths - Mina

I liked the chilli challenges in maths - Audrey

"I liked learning new words in Spanish and being able to use them at home." Addie

" I liked learning about our story especially being a detective to work out what the story could be about." Sammy

We enjoyed listening  and dancing to 1950's music such as Elvis Presley and The Hand Jive." 

" I liked getting to choose what maths questions we could answer. " Benjy  

Week 1

Week Ending 15.09.23

We have had another great week settling into year 3.

In English we have finished reading our class story Goin' Someplace Special. We have been learning how to use expanded noun phrases to write a character description.  In spelling we have been learning to use an apostrophe to show a contraction and possession. In PSHE we designed our nightmare school and why it wouldn't be a good place to learn.  Here are some comments:

"I have enjoyed learning to pass the ball in hockey." Lenny

" I have enjoyed how to partition different numbers. " Mina and Mohamed 

" I enjoyed learning to partition numbers in different ways." Josie

" I liked art because we learnt about colour mixing." Aimee

"I liked art and Spanish this week." Alice

"We learnt about Farah's art in assembly." Adeline 

Week ending 29.09.2023

Please see below photos of our trip to the Harbourside last week and our Child of Hope Day this week.

During our Harbourside trip we looked at evidence of how the use of the River Avon has changed over time. The children learnt lots during the trip including how Pirates such as Blackbeard used the area and how the Floating Harbour was made by creating the Avon New Cut. 

During Child of Hope day we learnt about Ugandan dance, singing and arts and crafts. The children made their own African necklaces and designed Coats of Arms based on the Ugandan Coat of Arms

Have a lovely weekend


The Year 3 Team

Trip to the Farm

Year 3 enjoyed a trip to Windmill Hill City Farm this week. The trip consolidated our learning about balanced diet, food groups and the function of a skeleton in humans and other animals. In our topic work we enjoyed listening to a range of Reggae music and learning about its impact on Bristol's music culture. In our music lesson we practised playing lots of different rhythms in our drum circle. We are looking forward to our trip to the Bristol Beacon Centre next term!

Please see photos from this week below. Have a great weekend!

The Year 3 Team

Welcome back to Term 3

Welcome back, we hope you all enjoyed the Christmas break.

Please make sure your child comes in with a water bottle and a waterproof coat every day.

PE days are Tuesday (indoor) and Thursday (outdoor)

This term our history topic is all about the Tudors and what life was like during the Tudor times.

Reading: Please make sure your child brngs in their oxford reading book and reading record into school every day.

Times Tables: Every child has a log in to Times table Rockstars, we look forward to recieving your challenges!


Year 3 Team

Week ending 05.1.24

We've really enjoyed the first couple of days of Term 3.

We have enjoyed learning about the life and works of the Tudor playwright William Shakespeare. We have also learnt about what the Tudors did for entertainment including visiting the Globe theatre to see plays being performed. Here are some comments from the children:

"We made a fact file about William Shakespeare's life." Maya

"We played dodgeball in PE." Hussein

" The Globe theatre did not have a roof on it." Mohamed

"The Globe theatre was a 20 sided polygon shape not a circle like historians first thought." Eli

"If you watched a play in the yard you were called a Groundling or Penny Stinkers!" Safiya

"The Globe theatre is the 3rd theatre. The first theatre burned down."  

Week Ending 19/1/24

We've had another busy week in Year 3 this week. We are really enjoying our English text A Midsummer Night's Dream. This week we thought of some questions to ask certain characters from the story and did some hot seating to  try and get some answers. We thought Mrs Davies did a great job as Hermia but we found Hermia's father quite intimidating!!

In science we have been looking at how light travels. We now know it tarvels in straight lines.

In PE we have been creating dance sequences based on characters from Matilda and creating moves to show charcter traits to the count of 8.

We ended the week with a trip to Bedminster library we our librarian. We loved exploring the library and having an opportunity to read different books. We couldn't wait to sign up!

Have a good week

Year 3 Team

Monday is scienc day. Please can children  bring in a torch if they have any from home.   


We have had another exciting week of learning in Year 3! We started off with our science day all about light and shadow. The children carried out an experiment that showed that shadows get shorter as the height of a light source increases. They also sent light messages around a corner by reflecting a torch beam off an angled mirror. Thanks for bringing in torches from really helped!

Harvington Hall was a great success on Tuesday...please see the attached photos from our trip. The children wrote some amazing recounts of their day out during English this week.

Next week we have a whole school history day on Thursday (dressed as Tudors) and a whole school number day. Year 3 will be exploring the number 3 - you can dress up as this number on Friday!

Have a lovely weekend everybody

Mr Hewett, Miss Mullholland and the Year 3 team.

Have a lovely half term every one and a well-earned rest. Please see a few photos from our recent History day and Science investigation about bottle flipping.

Just a reminder that forest school starts on Mondays next term. 

All the best 

The year 3 Team

Contact Us

Happy to answer any questions

If you require paper copies of any information from the website please contact the school office. 


  • Windmill Close Windmill Hill Bristol BS3 4DP

Telephone Number