Year 6 - Elder & Sycamore



Week beginning 10th June

What a great week!

This week we started Bikeability and we learnt how to safely ride on roads. 

In English we watched the animation: Broken, and played rock paper scissors. This week we are going to begin to write the story.

In Maths, we escaped the room! Discovering a 10-digit pin code. We have been focussing on solving problems and exploring numer in a variety of different challenges.

On Tuesday, we went on our farm trip where we cooked elderflower fritters and tasted different plants. We also fed and petted the animals. Vadim liked the seep because they were the cutest and wouldn't leave him alone. Muslim liked the goats because he enjoyed feeding them and scratching them.

We are deep in rehearsals now for our end of year production: Academy of Rock! We created a prop list for the play and began to create some of the props, whilst some started acting. It's going to be a show to remember!

The secondary schools have also been visiting us and we've been meeting some of our new teachers and learning about life at secondary.

On Tuesday, some children performed in a clarinet concert. 'We played 3 songs. The first was a medley of Skyboat song, Rose Rose Rose and My BOnney Lies Over The Ocean. The second one was In the Hall of the Mountain King which got faster as we went along and the last song was Seven Nation Army. It was fun!' - Myla

On Monday, some of us went swimming where we learnt how to swim on our fronts using a noodle. ' Swimming was very good because it was my first time after I broke my collarbone. I could swim again!' - Bruno

Year 6 Relationship and Sex Education PSHE Scheme of Learning

Welcome to our final term of Y6!

Wow, how is it T6 already!?

We have got a fantastic term lined up:

  • We have revealed our end of year production: Academy of Rock! So rehearsals have begun...
  • We have BIKEABILITY this term and some of the class have begun cycling this week. Please get your permission slips back by FRIDAY 7th JUNE.
  • Our text this term is: 'Can we save the tiger?' and we are finishing reading 'Floodland' at the end of the day.
  • Our topic is TRADE. We will be exploring fair trade and think about how trade has changed our World.
  • In maths, we will be undertaking projects, cementing all our maths learning from primary school.
  • In Guided Reading, we will continue to look at high quality texts and extracts. It's vital that you are reading at home regularly.
  • In PE, some children are going swimming whilst the others do team games at school on Mondays (don't forget your swim stuff!). Then on Fridays, we are lucky to have Bristol Sport again this term, to learn about staying healthy whilst also do physical activity.
  • In RE, we are digging deeper into Creation.
  • In PSHE, we will be focussing on relationships and the upcoming transition to secondary school.
  • In science, we will be learning about living things and their habitats and in DT we will be creating stop motion animations about our favourite memories in primary school.
  • We have a geography field trip, a farm trip, an energy workshop, a transition mental health online workshop and a trip to the Mosque coming up, so there is so much to look forward to!

It's going to be a busy yet fantastic term!

Week beginning 06.05.24

WOW! What a start to the week!

After having an extra day to enjoy the sun due to the Bank Holiday, we returned to school on Tuesday and visited the Create Centre. Leaving school and marching to the Create Centre in record time, we didn't know what was in store for us...but it was FANTASTIC! We were placed in groups and allocated a volunteer who guided us around the centre. We experienced different elements of life skills including; shopping and noticing best before dates and the cost, possible dangers at the beach and train station, how to act responsibily in the kitchen (no knives in a toaster!) and how to place someopne in the recovery position. We learnt that DRAB tells us to check for DANGER, RESPONSE, check AIRWAYS and check BREATHING. We also learnt how to make emergency phone calls to the poilice, fire service, ambulance and National Grid and completed a quiz about online safety.

We have also been spending a bit of time revising for next week and are looking forward to our breakfasts at 8:15am. 

Week beginning 29th April

Hello and welcome to another week of news from the year 6 block! 

On Monday in PE, we learnt how to do a scissor jump and spent ages working out our leading leg! There were also 4 stations linked to jumping: jumping through a series of hoops; jumping forward and back over a cone; jumping side-to-side over cones; and jumping over two benches.

In English we planned and wrote the resolution and ending to The Phonebooth in Mr Hirota's Garden, in addition to editing and revising it.

This week in Maths, we have been revising fractions (comparing and ordering).

In Guided Reading, we have answered comprehension questions on a Panda text and a not-so-good text about a tree.

In Spelling, we have revised homophones and are currently trying to complete a tricky homophone crossword.

In RE, we were exploring cosmology and evolution. 

In PSHE, we looked in to cyber bullying. We watched a video about a boy called Joe who was getting bullied at school and online. The police got involved and sorted the situation out, and we learnt how careful you need to be online.

In Spanish, we learnt words linked to the environment.

In DT, we designed a chocolate bar wrapper. It was so inspiring that I went home and melted a bar of chocolate to make my own chocolate bar (Elia)! Around the edge of the sheet, we wrote the flavours we'd include.

Week beginning Monday 22nd April

In PE, we learnt how to do sprint starts and raced our friends. We also had Bristol Sport on Friday, where we did basketball games and learnt about how to keep healthy and fit. We were given 'Health Squad' booklets and learnt about the heart, muscles and brain. We also did a speed bounce!

In English, we were unpicking WAGOLL for the ending to our current text. We mapped out the structure of The Phonebooth in Mr Hirota's garden and found it was a double story mountain with two problems!

In Maths, we started the week with algebra, then we mived onto ratio and proportion, before finishing the week with scale factors.

In spelling, we were identifying incorrectly spelt words, and correcting them.

In gudied reading, we were looking at a text about festivals and answering comprehension questions about it.

In RE, we finished drawing the Creation story and had a discussion about what Christians believe the purpose of the Creation story is and we were reflecting on our own thought and how the story made us feel. We were also unpicking the structure of the text: Genesis 1.2-2.3.

In PSHE, we were thinking about POWER and CONTROL and looked at different scenarios to see who had the power.

In Science last week, there was a break in! There was evidence and Miss Cameron had to talk to the police. We used pipettes to test blood drops and meter rulers to see if the blood drops were bigger the higher they were dropped from.


Welcome to Term 5!

We've got a busy term in the run up to SATs (13-16th May), filled with lots of learning and a trip to the Create Centre (Tuesday 7th May AM). Please let us know if you can come with us on this trip.

Our text this term is: 'The Phonebooth in Mr Hirota's Garden' and we are reading 'Floodland' at the end of the day.

This week, in topic, we learnt about a tsunami and the destruction it can cause to a city/town. Our topic question is: Why might some of the UK be under water in 2050?

We received a horrifying letter from Mr Carpenter, say that break times for term 6 would be cancelled! Therefore, in Engish we wrote persuasive letters to try to convince him not to ban break times. We are still waiting for his response...

In maths, we have looked at line graphs, bar graphs and pie charts, and now were are moving on to algebra.

In PE, we have started athletics and we learnt how to do the triple jump: HOP, SKIP, JUMP!

In RE, we read Genesis 1.2-2.3: The Creation Story, then turned the story into a storyboard using words and pictures. We are focussing on Creation this term with our key question: Creation and Science: conflicting or complementary?

In PSHE, we will be focussing on relationships and we thought about 3/4 people who are special to us and how they make us feel.

In Spelling we have been revising words using a Dicey Spelling game.

In Guided Reading, we read a text about sinkholes and have been practising answering questions about it.

In science, we will be looking into forensics and in DT we will be designing and making a survival snack!

It's going to be a fantastic term!

Year 6 SAT's presentation

Week beginning 18th March

What a great week! Not only have we had a clay day, we have also designed our DT puppet theatres.

In English we have been learned about passive and active voice though planning a balanced argument based on the question: 'Should Macbeth kill King Duncan?'. Ask us to hear our thoughts!

In Maths, we have been ordering and converting between fractions, decimals and percentages. Why not test us?

In guided reading, we have been learning about symonyms and antonyms. We have also been using our inference skills to read read between the lines and retrieval skills to find information from the text.

In spelling, we have been learning about apostrophes of possession and contraction, then moved on to revising suffixes.

In ERIC we have been reading really great books. Grace recommends reading 'Welcome to Nowhere' because it talks about how people's lives have changed because of war. You can find it in Miss Cam's book case. Elia recommends 'The body in the blitz', because it's by Robin Stevens and who doesn't like Robin Stevens?

In DT, we designed puppet theatres to use in order to perform a scene from Macbeth. We practised mitre joins using the hack saws and wood glue.


We made coil clay bowls and decorated them, inspired by Farrah Fortnam and our theme was rainbows. Although we had some breakages, we had a great time!

Week beginning 11.03.24

In English this week we were writing a letter to macbeth trying to convince him to go along with a plan. We also edited and revised it. - Ioana 

This week in dt we were focusing on our woodworking skills by learning how to make but and mitre joints,we also stablised them with wood glue and cardboard triangles. - Huseyin

In RE today we were focusing on forgiveness. We also wrote poems,coloured a photo split up into 32 peices and thought of definitions of forgiveness. - Elliot 

Yesterday we had a clay afternoon with miss h were we made clay pots using swirls or a zigzag shape. - Veda

In maths this week we were focusing on converting fractions into percentages,fractions into decimals and percentages and decimals into fractions. - Beau

And finnally,in spelling this week we have been learning about aposteraphies for possession with the aposteraphies going before the s at the end of the word [ which makes it singular] and with the aposterophie going after the s at the end of the word [ which makes it plural.] - Jake 

What a week! (WB 04.03.24)

WB 04.03.24

We have had a fantatic week. It staerted off on Tuesday when we had some visitors from the Shakespeare Centre and also Ciromedia. They came in to teach us about the Tempest, another of Shakespeare's plays, and how to use drama and movement to show the story. We began by being in groups and having to use our bodies to create different scenes like a fireplace and boat. We then moved onto learning new skills; tightrope walking and juggling. It is harder than you think to walk along the tightrope and a lot of us don't have enough balance. Juggling - with either balls or scalves - is also difficult. Most of us could juggle 2 but not 3! It was such a great session with them. 


On Thursday it was World Book Day. We all went to assembly and saw what everyone was weraing. Some children came dressed up as characters from books whilst others cam ein their comfy clothes they wear whilst reading. After assembly, we created our own rivers of reading. We had to list down everything we read in 24hours and it was more than we thought. Not only books but we read signs, clocks, cereal boxes, date and LO and so much more. We then got into groups and chose a paragraph from ANY book to reenact. It was so much fun and some people used funny expressions and voices. 

We began looking at letters in English and what makes it formal - the language and vocabulary we use. 

We are developing our tennis skills in PE alongside circiut training - it was hard this week!

Term 4!

WOW! What a  start to Term4. It started with 3 witches coming into class and cackling. It was an immersion into our new text Macbeth and then we got to be the 3 witches 'Fair is foul, and foul is fair. Hover through the fog and filthy air.'. We have delved into Shakespeare's play by looking at ways to describe the heathlands and how dialogue can advance the action. It was great to read the first two scenes of Act 1 where 3 witches were making a phrophecy and King Duncan was praising Macbeth for killing a traitor. and we are excited to see what Macbeth and Banquo do next. 

In Maths we are revising our knowledge of decimals, adding and subtracting them but we hve to  mkae sure the place values are the same so we need to add place holders if they don't.

As our topic is Macbeth, we have started looking structures as we will be designing, making and evaluating a puppet theatre in DT. Our topic in Science is electricity and we are learning about circiuts.

Week 5

WOW! What a week of learning we have had!

On Thursday we had a History day where we all dressed up based on our history topic - The Great Plague. Some of us came as Plague doctors, others people infected with the disease and we even had a flea! During the day, we acted out our interviews with a Plague doctor to see how we could avoid catching the disease and if we did what we had to do. We also had a class debate about whether or not Eyam shoud close it's borders to enusre the disease didn't spread. Both sides of the arguement we good and we couldn't decide on a winner. In the afternoon we developed our drawing skills and creted images of Plaue doctors before attending the school parade where we showed off our costumes. 

Today (Friday) was Number day to support the NSPCC. Year 6's learnign was based around the number 8. We had to use only the number 8 and any operation to create calacuations for numbers 1-20. We struggled getting started but soon got into the swing of things. Do you know what the solution is to this calcuation? ??= (8x8-8) - 8 -8

WELCOME TO TERM 3 - first week back

WOW! We cannot believe we are in Term 3 already and what a start it has been!


In English we created a posset by answering questions about the Great Plague. In the possets there were a selection of herbs and spices to prevent the civiilians from catching the plague. We also made potions that would cure people from the plague, giving them creative names like Slurp joice! Chug Chug! Plague Stopper!. 

In PE, we played a game where there were 3 roles: a human, flea or rat. The fleas had to catch the rats and the rats had to catch the humans. This showed how the disease spread throughout the land.

This Teday in topic, we were learning more about tour topic. We created a historical timetime, by cutting out historical eras and placing them in chronological order. We also identifed the differences between a primary and secondary sources. Then we looked at a letter and diary entry from the plague times  and used this to create a freeze frame.

This week in Maths we have been furthering our fraction knowledge by multiplying and dividing by fractions by integers and fractions. E.g. 1/5 x 2/3 = 2/15. We also multiplied mixed fractions by integers. 

In Science, inheritance and evolution is our topic this term and we started by understooding how fosssils explain how life has changed over time.

We outlined the big story of the Bible (in RE) which has 7 sections- creation, fall, People of God, incarnation, gospel, salvation and Kingdom of God.

In Guided reading we are focusing on a new poem called The Spinner - spider who leaves dazzling webs behind it in the morning dew. We will also be using our inference skills to asnswer questions about it. 



Week beginning 4th December

On Monday, we wrote sentences using parenthesis (e.g. brackets, commmas and dashes). The next day we created sentences of our choice using the skills of active and passive.

Active - Bob ate his dinner.

Passive - The dinner was eaten by Bob.

On Wednesday we started planning our infromation text about bears which we will start writing today.

In Science this week we carrieed on our experiemtn to do with shadows and light. We found an object and held some string attached to a torch next to it. Then we used a protractor to measure the angle of the torch to make it a fair test. We learnt that the smaller the angle the longer the shaow.

We used fraction walls to find equivalent  fractions and simplify them. we also found the common denominator so we could add and subtract them. We used the simplifying of fractions to work out the greater freactions.

In DT we were building our toys for Torak (the main character in our English text) so he could escape reality. IN Guided Reading we have been reading a class test about eyes - did you know our eye is the size of a ping pong ball!

We also watched EYFS and KS1 dress rehearsals - they were incredible. 

Week beginning 27th November

On Monday we created colourful posters warning people of nearby bears as we didn't want them ending up like Fa! We included tips on how to stay safe. The next day, we reserached infromatio on the IPads about bears in preparation for writing our fact files the next day. On Thursday we identified the key features of an infromaton text about 'How to survvie a bear attack' to create a tool kit to help us next week. 

In Maths we have been learning about different parts of a fractions (numerator, denominator and the vinculum) to further our understanding of what is fraction is. We used this knowledge to simplify them by using common multiples and explore equivalence using cuisenaire rods. On Friday we carried on with our mental maths - converting units of metric measure. 

In Science, we finished designing and making our periscopes to help us understand how light travels in stright lines.We have been learning about light rays and drawing ray diagrams. We drew a chart about an experiment where we go underneath the table and move a torch around to see how the length of the shadow changes - which we will carry out next week. 

We read our narratives to Year 3 - they reay enjoyed it and so did we!

Term 2 - Welcome back

This term our topic is light, exploring how it travels and impacts what can be seen. 

Our class text is Wolf Brother, a wonderful story based in prehistoric times, about a orphaned boy who makes friends with a wolf and travels through the forest encountering many problems to overcome. We are using this text to develop our use of descriptive and figuative language to create amazing images in the readers' minds.

In  Maths we are focusing on securing our understanding of using the formal methods (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) to solve a range of problems. We will also be moving onto ordering and comparing fractions and investigating equivalent fractions.

PPA will be on Wednesday afternoons and will be covered by Mrs Fletcher and Mrs H.

PE will be on Monday afternoons (indoor-dance) and Friday afternoons (outdoor-Tag rugby). Children will need to come into school wearing their PE kit. This includes:

  • Plain white t-shirt
  • Black shorts or joggers
  • Plain black trainers or daps
  • School jumper if needed

At home we ask if children can read daily, which is recorded in their reading records, and practise their times tables (using Times Tables Rockstars) at least 3 times a week.

Please do not hesitate to ask if you require any support or help.

Thank you

Welcome to Year 6 23-34

We hope you have had a wonderful break and are ready for all the exciting things we have planned for you this term. 

PPA will be on Wednesday afternoons and will be covered by Mrs Fletcher and Mrs H.

PE will be on Monday afternoons (indoor) and Friday afternoons (outdoor). Children will need to come into school wearing their PE kit. This includes:

  • Plain white t-shirt
  • Black shorts or joggers
  • Plain black trainers or daps
  • School jumper if needed

At home we ask if children can read at least 4 times a week, which is recorded in their reading records, and practise their times tables (using Times Tables Rockstars) at least 3 times a week.

Please do not hesitate to ask if you require any support or help.

Thank you


Miss Price and Miss Cameron

Week 2 Best bits of Year 6


We learnt a new technique in basketball called a crossover. - Nico

We started reading our new class text: The Crossover by Kwame Alexander - Ioana

We designed our own basketball shoes and created adverts for them. - Ivy

In mental maths, we started to learn key facts about our 7 times table and how to recognise relationships between the number facts. - Evan

We also completed our times table rock stars assessment.  - Sam

In topic, we were learning about 10 Guinea Street and looking at maps through time. - Rayaan

We have been completing our baseline assessments. - Kareem

In maths, we've learnt about commutative calculations and the definition of 'inverse'. - Jude

We wrote replies to friends in Uganda. - Lewis

In RE, we were learning about Ghandi and ahimsa. - Amos

We hope you have a fabulous weekend!

Week 3 Year 6

We dissected a lamb's heart in science. It was slimy and smelly! - Melina and Fin

In spelling, we learnt about verbs and nouns.  - Ioana

In PE this week we focussed more on controlling the basketball and we completed an agility run and learnt how to dribble with both our dominant and non-dominant hand. - Amos and Jude

In RE we had a guest teacher in to teach us about the prodigal son and the meaning of grace, through creating a storyboard of the main events. - Josh

Camp - Part 1


Please see our spellings for T1.

Please practise these with your child to make sure they are secure.

We are revising all the spellings learnt in Y5.


Camp - Part 2!

Camp - Part 3!

Term 2 Week 2

This week, in maths we learnt about short division and word problems.

In English, we wrote setting descriptions and a diary entry inspired by our class book.

In science, we learnt about light and how light travels.

In PE, we started tag rugby and on Monday we learnt a street dance move. 

We also had a visit from an author - Emma Read - and now we are going to write spooky stories inspired by her.

Useful websites

Get moving!

Find a new book!

Maths and English

IXL have separate pages of skills linked to individual Year group.  The Y6 page has links to practise both English and Maths skills.  Pages are then split into skills of which has a practise question for the children to think about.


BBC Education have produced a whole host of materials for KS2.  Follow the KS2 link and then select either Maths or English.   Each area usually has an information section for reading, plus an activity and then quiz which is marked online.  Some aspects require a subscription.


A site with both Maths and English based quizzes which are marked as you go along.


A site with a range of information and questions – great for revision purposes!


A revision site based upon the old Key Stage 2 Tests but still contains lots of useful information for both Maths and English.


A site with links to  old style Key Stage 2 Maths Papers, Maths Tutorials as well as Maths Games.  Some of these games are linked to Memory and would therefore help pupils to retain key information.


A site with links to Maths and English revision materials, including worksheets to look at online or to print off and practise with.


These are “old style” Key Stage 2 test papers but are still useful for practise, and in particular, creating discussion around questions and strategies to answer.  View on screen or print off for free.  Best used


Click on “For Kids” to access some fun games to practise speed of recall of times tables.


This site has loads of Maths games which help to practise a range of skills.


Loads of Maths games on a range of Mathematical concepts.


A range of English games and activities.


Activities to reinforce and practise a range of spelling rules.


A range of activities and games to practise a range of spelling rules and patterns.

Last week of Term 2

 In English, we editied and revised our non-chronological bear reports and then published them onto a blank piece of paper using black biro pens.

We've had a week of festive maths, including a challenge to solve the theft of the presents! With festive maths we tried to find out who did the theft using our skills. It was Kris Kringle! In addition to that, we used our times tables to create an image from mosaics.

On Monday, people came in to perform a silly pantomime to us of Jack and the Beanstalk. It had classic panto lines ("it's behind youuuuuuuuuu!").

On Thursday, we started the day going to the church - unless we stayed at school where we continued our learning and played dodgeball with Ben -  where we sang carols and joined in with an interactive Christmas story. In the afternoon, we had a Christmas party where we played many games: musical chairs, corners, musical statues and karaoke. Miss Cameron really enjoyed the mince pies Fin brought in - yum yum yum.

On Wednesday, we had our Christmas lunch. We had crackers with jokes, crowns and activities. The lunch was delicious and it included chicken (vege or halal), sausages, stuffing, brussel sprouts, carrots, potatoes and gravy.

On Wednesday, we finished making our automatons which we had worked really hard to finesse. It was a very frustrating process, but it was worth it in the end.


Contact Us

Happy to answer any questions

If you require paper copies of any information from the website please contact the school office. 


  • Windmill Close Windmill Hill Bristol BS3 4DP

Telephone Number