Looking for a school place for Sep 2025? Join one of our Parent Tours!
12.11.2024 at 9.45am - 26.11.2024 at 1.30pm
No need to book.
To enable the children to develop their understanding for a range of different beliefs, religions and worldviews.
To enable children to agree or disagree respectfully, recognising that different people have different beliefs, both religious and non-religious, and that these should be respected.
To develop children’s knowledge of different places of worship, and where these are located in our community.
To recognise that different religions have different stories and individuals that are of key importance.
To help children become familiar with different religious celebrations and festivals throughout the year, and notice similarities and differences between these.
To inspire and enthuse children about the vibrant multicultural and multi-faith community of which we are all part of.
To develop our children as critical thinkers, empowering them to demonstrate courageous advocacy and develop their spirituality.
To enable children to make connections between religions and develop their cultural understanding and respect.
We follow two schemes – Understanding Christianity and South Gloucestershire’s Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education.
Attached below is a document showing the yearly overview. Understanding Christianity is highlighted in blue and Agreed Syllabus in red.
This outlines the big questions that are explored each term for each year group.
The children have weekly RE sessions and sometimes whole days focusing on topics.
Educational visits will support the children's learning and they have an opportunity to different places of worship.
Sorry there is no parking at school on Windmill Close. Please park safely on local roads; Whitehouse Street and other near by roads are for permit holders only.
Parking around Victoria Park is best; it is only a quick walk through the park to the front of school.