The School Day



Our School Day

Day Starts: 08:45am - Day Ends: 15:15pm

Morning gates are open from 08.45 - 08.55am.

Children who arrive after 08.55am enter via the school office and will incur a late register mark.

Total hours provided in a typical week: 32.5h


School day times (Breaks):

Years 1, 2 and 3 -10:25am-10:45am

Years 4, 5 and 6 -10:45-11:05am


School day times (Lunch):

Nursery and Reception Ash & Elm -11:30 - 12:30pm

Year 1 (Willow & Hawthorn) - 12:05pm- 13:05pm

Year 2  (Whitebeam & Hazel) - 12:10pm- 13:10pm

Year 3  (Larch & Juniper) - 12:15pm- 13:15pm

Year 4  (Apple & Dogwood) - 12:20pm- 13:20pm

Year 5  (Cherry & Lime) - 12:25pm- 13:25pm

Year 6  (Sycamore & Elder) - 12:30pm- 13:30pm

Contact Us

Happy to answer any questions

If you require paper copies of any information from the website please contact the school office. 


  • Windmill Close Windmill Hill Bristol BS3 4DP

Telephone Number