Welcome to Year 4
Welcome to our first term of Year 4! This term is set to be an exciting journey as we delve into topic - The Romans! We will have a have a trip to Caerleon Castle which hopefully all of you have received an email.
4 Dogwood - Mr Marquez-Vega
4 Apple - Miss Stone
LSA - Mrs Clarke
LSA - Mr Dwyer
PPA will be on Thursday afternoons and will be covered by:
Miss Mohammed - PSHE
Bristol Sports - PE
PE will be on Monday afternoons and Friday afternoons.
Children will need to come into school wearing their PE kit. This includes:
- Plain white t-shirt
- Black shorts or joggers
- Plain black trainers or daps
- School jumper if needed
We ask that children read at home 4 times per week, for around 10 minutes each time. This can be signed by an adult in their reading record. Please feel free to ask if you need any support.
Timestable Rock Stars
Children can use their timestable rock star logins to practise their times tables. We suggest practising around 3 times per week for around 10 minutes. Please speak to a teacher if you need login details.
Our spellings for this term recap termly spellings learnt in Y3. They are as follows: